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CareBnB Israel is a unique approach to self care, personal growth and transformation. We offer our clients a "home away from home" with a range of "zoom" services that include 1:1 narrative therapy, coaching, EFT Tapping, energy therapy, and veggie-focused cooking lessons. ​
Pesach and Chanah will help you on your journey to becoming the best version of yourself via 1:1 zoom/in-person sessions, group work, or at one of our personalized getaways.
Kaden Harari
Chanah is easily accessible, has great advice and is an amazing listener. She is able to provide you with the tools that you might be missing in order to guide you in the direction that you were looking for.
Ariela Solomon Stein
As a very health conscious person who was lost in the woods of tons of internet health information, stress and burnout, working with Chanah was a game changer for me.
Chana Rachel Frumin
Pesach listens with a level of perception that seems almost intuitive and fosters a stable sense of trust and support for the client throughout the session.
Come on in, the
door's open.
CareBnB Israel is the hub for your journey towards rejuvenation. We assist our clients in learning simple plant-based kitchen techniques, rediscovering their personal values, goals and critical skills that can facilitate a fresh perspective on life, and provide practical skills that help you resume your regular life, feeling more centered.
CareBnB Israel is a revolution for your inner world. We serve as the consultants for your soul’s interior design. Discover which small changes will make a big difference in how you live your style. Come on over, we're located in Efrat.